1. What ‘s
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
3. How did Lora feel when she saw
4. What had happened to
5. Why was water important for the starship?
6. How long had
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
9. What was starship Magellan like?
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
12. What happens at the end of the story?
Sunday, 8th March, at 20.00 alpha time
Víctor Ruiz 1ºC
ResponderEliminar1.Clyde is a fisherman. He sail on his boat, fish the kind of fish that there are in Thalassa, and return to the beach to bring it home.
2.Planet Thalassa was like the Earth. Years ago, colonist from Earth arrived to Thalassa. They worked hardly to make a new life there.
3.The first time that Lora saw Leon, she look at him carefully, and she felt feelings of fear, wonder and one that her life never would be the same.
4.Leon’s starship had a shield which had been destroy when something big hit the starship in the space.
5.The water was important for the starship because it made the new shield for the starship. They freeze the water into a huge piece of ice that travels ahead the starship.
6.Leon had been flying for a hundred and four years, but for him it seem a few weeks because he was deep-sleeping.
7.Clyde felt jealousy about Leon, because seemed that every time that Clyde called to Mayor’s house, Leon was there.
8.The cities on Earth are more because had happened three centuries since the first colonist arrive to Thalassa.
9.Starship Magellan was like a huge silver egg.
10.At first, people think that on the Magellan only travel eight men, but then, Lora discovered that there were more people who had been deep-sleeping.
11.On the Magellan, Lora meet Leon’s wife, who has been deep-sleeping, and who was pregnant (the baby will born three months after they leave Thalassa)
12.At the end of the story, Leon returned to Magellan, and travelled through the space; and Lora stayed at Thalassa, with Clyde.
The Songs of Distant Earth
1.What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
Clyde's occupation belong to engineer of starship.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
Thalassa was a planet where the colonists were living. It was a young planet, a desert and big island surrounded by the sea. This planet with the time would rise over the sea.
3.How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
Lora had a feeling of fear and of marvel, a feeling of which her,your life would not be the same again.
4.What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
After the worry of the weeks that they had spent, when he and other engineers were woken up by the shout of bell, it was difficult to understand that they estavan assurances finally. They had to repair the ship and complete two centuries of trip that he still had for realizing.
They had to do a new shield of starship, since the saying was destroyed when something big struck the starship towards out to the space.
5.Why was water important for the starship?
The water is important, because it is the instrument that the engineers use to arrange the starship. The water is the cheapest material of construction in the universe and the water freezes in an enormous piece of ice that travels in front of the engineers.
6.How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
León was travelling approximately hundred four years.
7.How did Clyde feel about Leon?
Clyde wanted to fight against León, in order that León was not remaining with Female parrot, but Clyde knew that it was stronger than León and therefore it would not be a just fight. Clyde was jealous.
8.Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because in other cities, the life had changed from last times.
9.What was starship Magellan like?
Magellan's starship was like a ship.
10.How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
Magellan is an artificial and young planet, in which it can live quite the colonists who want.
There live dozens of thousands of colonists.
11.Who did Lora meet on the starship?
She a dead woman and a child found on the starship inside a box of crystal. The woman was the wife of Leon and the child was the son of Leon.
12.What happens at the end of the story?
Lora on having realized from what he was hiding León, she returned to Thalassa and all the colonists and Clyde were waiting for her. Clyde excused to Lora and they returned to be united. Also the shield of the estarship was created of magellán and once created, the starship took off and travelled to the space
ResponderEliminar1- He was fisherman, because he has got a boat.
2- Thalassa was a place where the first colonists had worked very hard, the colonist´s descendants enjoyed an easy, confortable life .They worked as much as neccesary, happy to dream fondly of earth, and to let the future take care of itself.
3- Lora knew a feeling ot boath fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the some again.
4- Starship was destroyed when something big hit us out in space.
5-Space is full of bits and pieces of rock and other things, and at that speed anything that hits us would burn up the ship immdiately. So we carry a shield about a kilometre ahead of us, and let that get burned up instead.
6- Leon had been flying for a hundred and four.
7- Clyde was jealousy about Leon.
8- Because on earth there is gravity and it can build as in space there isn´t gravity and the things and building was flying.
9- Magellan was a great silver egg where there wasn´t gravity inside.
10- The colonists were seven.
11- Lora meet wife´s Leon.
12-Leon left Thalassa and Lora stayed with Clyde.
She thought that his life was in Thalassa but she never would know that had been better.
Adrian Ladeza Gonzalez
ResponderEliminar1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation? Clyde is a fisherman
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?It was like the Earth but more small
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?She falls in love with him
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?The old shield was destroyed by something big that struck him in the space
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because they had to do a shield with water
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?a hundred and four years
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?Clyde is jealousy of Leon
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?Because the power of the gravity can be controlled
9. What was starship Magellan like?it was like a silver egg
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?hundreds and hundreds of colonists.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?to the wife of Leon
12. What happens at the end of the story? the spaceship leavesand Leon also.Lora
Adrián Guerra de la Corte 1º Bach C
ResponderEliminar1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It is like a single large island in a huge, encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
Lora knew a feeling of both fear and wonder.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
The starship was wounded
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because the space is full of bits and pieces of rock and other things, and at that speed anything that hits us would burn up the ship immediately.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
A hundred and four
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He was jealousy
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
When it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, then we learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, and once you can control gravity. So all movement and travel became really simple. People started to live where they liked on the grass, looking up at the sky.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It is like a metal pyramid
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
Seven men and one women.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
She looked the Leon’s wife
12. What happens at the end of the story?
The colonist go without Lora.
ResponderEliminarThe Songs of Distant Earth
1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
he is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
it was a young planet with only a single large island in a huge encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
she feels fear and wonder.
4. What had happened to Leon’s star ship when it was out in space?
the starship had problems, the alarm bells were screaming all the time and they had fought to save the wounded star ship.
5. Why was water important for the star ship?
they use freeze water as a shield, because the rocks burn up the star ship at speed of light.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
a hundred and four years
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
he feels jealous.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
because they can communicate with only push a button on the computer and they can control gravity, so they just moved where they like.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
it was like a huge silver egg and inside is a curving wall of metal
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
there was tens of thousands of colonist.
11. Who did Lora meet on the star ship?
she met Leon’s wife, that was pregnant.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
At the end Leon goes to the space in the star ship and Lora stay with Clyde at Thalassa .
Miguel Bombin Gómez 1ºC
ResponderEliminar1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He was a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
Thalassa was a very young and peaceful planet. Thalassa was a single large island in a huge, encircling sea. When the first colonists came to Thalassa, they had worked hard to make a new life – making farms and growing food, building towns and factories. In later years, with rich farming land and seas full of fish, the colonists descendants enjoyed an easy, comfortable life.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
He was not handsome, and his face looked serious, even worried, but Lora knew a feeling of both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
Leon and the other engineers had been woken by the scream of alarm bells and had fought to save the wounded starship. Something big hit them out in space and destroyed the starship shield.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
A starship travels through space at almost the speed of light. Unfortunately, space is full of bits and pieces of rock and other things, and at that speed anything that hit them would burn up the ship inmediately. So they carry a shield about a kilometre ahead of them , and let that get burned up instead. It´s the cheapest building material in the universe.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
Leon had been flying for a hundred and four years before he landed on Thalassa.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
Clyde was angry with Leon because Lora belonged to him. It was the most difficult problem that Clyde had ever had in his life. With another villager, or a man from other part of Thalassa, there had never been any trouble at those other time when he had politely advised the man to leave his girl alone, but Leon was an important visitor.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
They disapeared for a number of reasons. When it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, must of the need of cities was gone. Then they learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, and once you can control gravity, you can move anything heavy, even houses through the sky without difficulty. So all movement and travel became really simple. After that, people started to live where they liked, and the cities just slowly disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It was huge. It had a lot of tunnels and rooms where there were no gravity, a lot of computers and strange machines, a lot of libraries...
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
There were tens of thousand of colonists on their way to a new world, sleeping in suspended animation until the day of their arrival.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met Leon´s wife and Leon´s child.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
She said goodbye to him. The Earthmen said their final goodbyes, and the space bus lifted off and climbed up into space. The life of the starship was not for her. She had to be with Clyde, who knew that all the days of their lifes, the ghost of Leon would come between him and Lora.
Gloria Orta Garzón 1ºA
ResponderEliminar1.What‘s Clyde’s occupation?
Clyde is a fisherman. He sail on his boat, fish the kind of fish that there are in Thalassa, and return to the beach to bring it home.
2.What was Planet Thalassa like?
Planet Thalassa was like the Earth. Years ago, colonist from Earth arrived to Thalassa. They worked hardly to make a new life there.
3.How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
The first time that Lora saw Leon, she look at him carefully, and she felt feelings of fear, wonder and one that her life never would be the same.
4.What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
Leon’s starship had a shield which had been destroy when something big hit the starship in the space.
5.. Why was water important for the starship?
The water was important for the starship because it made the new shield for the starship. They freeze the water into a huge piece of ice that travels ahead the starship.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
Leon had been flying for a hundred and four years, but for him it seem a few weeks because he was deep-sleeping.
7.How did Clyde feel about Leon?
Clyde felt jealousy about Leon, because seemed that every time that Clyde called to Mayor’s house, Leon was there.
8.Why are there cities on Earth anymore?
The cities on Earth are more because had happened three centuries since the first colonist arrive to Thalassa.
9.What was starship Magellan like?
Starship Magellan was like a huge silver egg.
10.How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
At first, people think that on the Magellan only travel eight men, but then, Lora discovered that there were more people who had been deep-sleeping.
11.Who did Lora meet on the starship?
On the Magellan, Lora meet Leon’s wife, who has been deep-sleeping, and who was pregnant (the baby will born three months after they leave Thalassa)
12.What happens at the end of the story?
At the end of the story, Leon returned to Magellan, and travelled through the space; and Lora stayed at Thalassa, with Clyde.
ResponderEliminarÁlvaro Sánchez Iriarte
The songs of distant Earth
1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
Clyde’ s occupation is to fish in the sea with his boat. He tries to bring a lot of fish home.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It is a young planet
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
He felt surprised when she saw Leon. Also, he felt really exited and he almost felt fear.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
It happened that something big hit the starship.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because at the speed of light everything that impact with the ship burns very quickly
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying for a hundred and four years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He felt really angry about Leon because he thought he was flirting with Lora.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because people on Earth could talk and see other people by only pushing a button. Also they learnt how to control the gravity so they could moved cities without problems.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It was like a huge silver egg.
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
We don’t know exactly how many colonist were travelling on the Magellan. Aproximatly ten of thousands of them. But we know that only fifty engineers were not sleeping so they would remember Thalassa
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met on the starship Leon’ s wife.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
1º C Fátima Postigo Corrales
ResponderEliminarThe songs of distant Earth
1. What‘s Clyde’s occupation? Clyde is a fisherman
2. What was Planet Thalassa like? Planet Thalassa was like the Earth. Years ago, colonist from Earth arrived to Thalassa.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon? The first time Lora saw Leon it was when the humans landed on Thalassa, however, it wasn't their first meeting. After the welcoming party, Leon couldn't sleep, so he decided to have a walk. Lora, who had seen him, went to the beach with the hope of meeting him there. She was sitting on a boat staring at the sea and Selene was bright in the sky filling the beach with golden light. He thought of leaving her alone and not disturbing her, but she saw him and they started talking. Suddenly, she left because she felt bad for having left his husband at home.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space? Leon’s starship had a shield which had been destroy when something big hit the starship in the space.
5. Why was water important for the starship? Because they take millions tonnes of water up to the spaceship and then they freeze creating a huge piece of ice that later they put ahead their ship. Because of that, when they travel almost at the speed of light and something crash with them, the starship doesn't burn because it's the ice the one who does.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa? Leon had been flying for a hundred and four years, but for him it seem a few weeks because he was deep-sleeping
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon? Clyde was jealous of Leon.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more? The cities on Earth are more because had happened three centuries since the first colonist arrive to Thalassa.
9. What was starship Magellan like? Starship Magellan was like a huge silver egg.
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan? At first, people thought that on the Magellan only travel eight men, but then, Lora discovered that there were more people who had been deep-sleeping.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship? Lora met Leon’s wife.
12. What happens at the end of the story? As the computers let them communicate without the need of seeing each other and the ways of travelling had become transporting houses by air really faster, now people could live wherever they want not getting worried about anything.
The Songs of Distant Earth Álvaro Jiménez López-Rey 1º Bach C
ResponderEliminar1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He is a modest fisherman from Palm Bay, a village in the planet Thalassa.
2. What was planet Thalassa like?
It was a young planet with only a single large island, which was increasing his area with the passing of time, in a huge, encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
At the moment she saw Leon, she knew a feeling of both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again: she fell in love with him.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
It was wounded, because something big had hit them, destroying their water starship shield and forcing them to stop in Thalassa to repair it.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because they needed it for protecting the ship against space bits and pieces of rock, as the ship travelled through space at almost the speed of light and if anything hit the starship at that speed, it would burn up immediately. So Earthmen carried a water shield about a kilometre ahead of them, and let that get burned up instead.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying before he landed on Thalassa for a hundred and four years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He was angry and jealous because he thought that Lora only belonged to him and nobody like Leon (in his opinion an awful dancer) would snatched her away.
8. Why aren´t there cities on Earth any more?
Acording to Leon, it is because, when it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone. Also, humans learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, moving heavy things, like houses, through the sky without difficulty. So all movement and travel became really simple, people started to live where they liked and the cities just slowly disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
Lora´s opinion was that “it was a breathtaking endless (perhaps as much as four kilometres long) curving wall of metal”. It was full of fast-moving walkways and upwards through tunnels where there was no gravity. Also, there were a kilometre long engine room, rows of mysterious computers and strange machines, libraries with a huge range of information, a suspended animation room where tens of thousands colonists were sleeping till the arrival at the new world... That spacecraft was man-made and self-contained world and its aim was to led humans to a suitable young planet for living far away in the space.
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
There were tens of thousands colonists travelling on the Magellan, accumulated in an enormous room, where they were arranged in rows. Each one of these humans was in a shining glass box, sleeping in suspended animation until the day of their arrival.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met Leon´s wife and future baby (since she was a pregnant woman). She was sleeping at the suspended animation room and with that fact, Lora understood that her love story with Leon couldn´t continue any more.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
After knowing that Leon´s world had no place for her, both of them went back to the space bus and arrived to Thalassa, where they said goodbye each other. At that moment, an angry Clyde appeared there, looking for Leon in order to recover Lora, who calmed him down by telling that she would never see Leon again while she was crying. Then, the incredulous fisherman understood happily that she belonged to him again anda ll this anger disappeared immeadiately. Later, the last day came, and all the Earthmen went away, leaving a flushed with happiness Clyde and a disconsolated Lora, who finally understood that Leon´s life was not for her: they were very different and they belonged to unequal worlds, so they should have different lifes, none of them better than the other. In addition, she managed to appreciated her life in Thalassa, her beautiful planet.
Fernando Lobo Delgado.1º A.
ResponderEliminar1.What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He is a fishermen.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
Like tne Earth.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
A feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
That something big hit to it out in the space.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because it is the shield of the starship.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
A hundreds years ago.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because the houses are translated thanks to the tecnology, and people moved to they like, and cities disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
A huge starship of four kilometres long.
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
In shining glass boxes.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
The wife of Leon.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
Lora stay at Thalassa.
Mari Paz Del Toro Lagares, 1º Bachillerato C
ResponderEliminarThe Songs of Distant Earth
# What‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He’s a fisherman, but the fish isn’t true.
# What was Planet Thalassa like?
Thalassa were a young planet, still only a single large island in a huge, encircling sea.
# How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
Lora knew a feeling of both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
# What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
As the old one was destroyed when something bit hit us out in space.
# Why was water important for the starship?
Because they need a shield about a kilometer ahead of them, and let that get burned up instead the ship when it crash in the space with a bits and pieces of rock and another things. They freeze it into a huge piece of ice that travels ahead of them.
# How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
A hundred and four years ago he left Earth.
# How did Clyde feel about Leon?
Jealousy was new to Clyde, and he did don’t like it at all.
# Why are there cities on Earth anymore?
when it became to easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the cities was gone. Then we learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, and once you can control gravity, you can move anything heavy, even houses, thought the sky without difficulty. So all movement and travel became very simple. After that, people started to live where they liked, and the cities just slowly disappeared.
# What was starship Magellan like?
The starship Magellan was like a silver egg.
# How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
Tens of thousands of colonist were raveling on the Magellan.
# Who did Lora meet on the starship?
In the Magellan starship Lora meet to the wife and the child of Leon. They are sleeping and they would only wake long after Lora was dead.
# What happens at the end of the story?
Lora spoke the truth to Clyde. Some time later the night sky exploded into light, as the starship's great engines began to burn with the fire of a thousand suns. Magellan was disappeared into the emptiness of space. Leon and his companions would be moving seas, leveling mountains, and fighting unknown dangers, when her descendants in two hundred years’ time would still be dreaming on the peaceful beaches of Thalassa.
ResponderEliminar1.clyde had a boat, his occupation was a sailor.
2. Thalassa was a young planet,- still Orly a single large island in a huge, encircling sea.
3. Lora saw Leon for the first time, she felt suddenly afraid, but it was too late to turn back.
4. something big hit their on starship out in space. They will have make a new starship Shield.
5.because they will freeze i tinto a huge piece of ice that travels ahead of their.
6.two hundred years old.
7.in Clyde´s opinion the dances were ugly and leon was an awful dancer.
8.they disappeared for a number of reason really, when it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone.
9.magellan was a man –made and self-contained World, waiting to bring human life to a young planet far awayin space.
10.thousands tenso f thousands of colonist on their way to a new world.
11.a Clyde.
12. lora now looked up at the sky.the life of th starship wasn´t for her.
Carlos Perez Calderon
1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It was a young planet, a single large island in a huge encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
She felt that his life would not be the same again, feeling both fear and wonder.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
Something big hit the starship.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because they used it to create a shield and protect the starship from objects of the space.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
About a hundred and four years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He felt jealous and angry.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
They could see and talk to anyone just pushing a button, and then they controlled the pull of gravity, so they could move without difficulty to anywhere, so people live where they like.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
An endless curving wall of metal, of about 4 kilometres long, inside, it had many things like computer rooms, and you could go anywhere of it on fast-moving walkways.
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
Thousands of them
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Leon’s wife and future son.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
Clyde lost his anger, the starship finished the shield and it gone away. Lora thought that the life in the starship was not for her, and a final though of how the life will be for the colonist and for the Thalassians.
Desirée Núñez Cabanillas
1-He is a fisherman.
2- It still only a single island in a huge, encircling sea.
3- She had a feeling of both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4.-The bits and pieces of rock and other things hit them, can burn up the ship immediately.
5-Because the shield that they use is formed by ice.
6-A hundred and four.
7- He was jealous of Leon.
8-Because people started to live where they liked, and the cities just slowly disappeared.
9- Rows and rows of shining glass boxes, each box large enough to hold a human being.
10- Thousands, tens of thousands of colonist.
11-The wife of Leon.
12-Lora stayed at Thalassa, and Leon went to space aboard the Magellan.
ResponderEliminar1º Bachillerato C
1. What‘s Clyde’s occupation? He is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like? It was a young planet- still only a single large island in a huge encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon? He knew a feeling of fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space? That something big hit it out in space and destroyed the old starship shield.
5. Why was water important for the starship? Because they freeze it into a huge piece of ice that travel ahead of the starship and protect it of the bits and pieces of rocks and other things of the space that if hit it would burn up the ship immediately.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa? He had been flying for a hundred and four years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon? He felt very jealous because Lora was in love with Leon.
8. Why are there cities on Earth anymore? They disappeared for a number of reasons. When it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone. And when they controlled gravity all movement and travel became really easy and people started to live where they liked and they cities slowly disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like? It was an endless curving wall of metal of four kilometers long approximately. Inside there are fast-moving walkways, tunnels where there was no gravity, a engine room of a kilometer long, long rows of mysterious computers and strange machines and huge libraries filled with every piece of information that anyone could want.
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan? Tens of thousands were travelling on it.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship? She met to Leon´s wife who was pregnant.
12. What happens at the end of the story? Leon and the Earthmen said goodbye to Lora and her world and they went away. Finally Lora returned with Clyde.
Jesús Gerada Ojeda
ResponderEliminar1º Bach. A
The songs of Distant Earth
1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation? Captain of his boat and fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like? So then that all the inhabitants of this place were pacific.…
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon? She had a feeling so much fear since like of marvel because she knew that she would never return to feel again equally.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space? That was waking the villagers up.
5. Why was water important for the starship? Because to be able to run to the speed of the light.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa? To lasted even four hundreds years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon? So then that him does not fall down very well.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more? Because there are many more islands.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan? Fifty.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship? Captain Gold.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
Jesús Bermudo García
ResponderEliminar1º Bachillerato C
The Songs of Distant Earth
1. What’s Clyde’s occupation?
He’s a fisherman. He’s to fish in the sea with his boat and tries to bring a lot of fish home.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It was a young planet – still only a single large island in a huge, encircling sea. In time new land would rise up out of the sea, but not for many millions of years.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
Lora knew a feeling of both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
It was destroyed when something big hit it.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because that a starship travels trough space at almost the speed of light and unfortunately, space is full of bits and pieces of rock and other things, and at that speed anything that hits the starship would burn up it immediately.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying for a hundred and four years.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He felt really angry about Leon because he thought he was flirting with Lora.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because when it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone. Then people on Earth learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, and once they can control gravity, they can move anything heavy, even houses, through the sky without difficulty. So all movement and travel became really simple. After that, people started to live where they liked, and the cities just slowly disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It was like an endless curving wall of metal, of about 4 kilometres long, inside, it had many things like computer rooms, and you could go anywhere of it on fast-moving walkways.
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
We don’t know exactly how many colonists were travelling on the Magellan. Approximately, ten of thousands of them on their way to a new world, sleeping in suspended animation until the day of their arrival. But we know that only fifty engineers were not sleeping so they would remember Thalassa.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met on the starship Leon’s wife.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
Clyde lost his anger; the starship finished the shield and it gone away. Lora thought that the life in the starship was not for her and a final though of how the life will be for the colonists and for the Thalassians.
Fernando Ortega Mesas 1º C
ResponderEliminarThe songs of distant Earth
1.What ‘s Clyde’s occupation?
Clyde’ s occupation is to fish in the sea with his boat. He tries to bring a lot of fish home.
2.What was Planet Thalassa like?
It's a young planet
3.How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
He felt surprised when she saw Leon, he felt really excited and he almost felt fear.
4.What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
Something big hit the starship.
5.Why was water important for the starship?
Because at the speed of light everything that impact with the ship burns very quickly.
6.How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying for a hundred and four years.
7.How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He felt really angry about Leon because he thought he was flirting with Lora.
8.Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because people on Earth could talk and see other people by only pushing a button, andthey learnt how to control the gravity so they could moved cities without problems.
9.What was starship Magellan like?
Like a huge silver egg.
10.How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
We don’t know exactly how many colonist were travelling on the Magellan. Aproximatly ten of thousands of them. But we know that only fifty engineers were not sleeping so they would remember Thalassa
11.Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met on the starship Leon’ s wife.
12.What happens at the end of the story?
The end oh the Sun
Marta Ortiz Rodriguez 1ºC
ResponderEliminar1. What‘s Clyde’s occupation? He is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like? It was a young planet – still only a single large island in a huge, encircling sea.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon? Lora knew a feeling of both fear and wonder.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space? That the old one was destroyed.
5. Why was water important for the starship? Because it is necessary for the piece of ice that we travels in front of to stop the pieces of rock and other things.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa? A hundred and four.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon? Clyde had jealousies of him.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more? When it became easy to see and talk to other people anywhere on Earth just by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone. Then we learnt how to turn off the pull of gravity, and once you can control gravity, you can move anything heavy, even houses, through the sky without difficulty. So all movement and travel became really simple. After that, people started to live where they liked, and the cities just slowly disappeared.
9. What was starship Magellan like? Great silver egg that had first brought the visitors down to Thalassa.
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan? Tens of thousands of colonists.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship? Lora meets a Clyde’s wife and a Clyde’s child.
12. What happens at the end of the story? Lora tells everything to Clyde. Some time later the night sky exploded into light, as the starship's great engines began to burn with the fire of a thousand suns. Leon and his companions would be moving seas, levelling mountains, and fighting unknown dangers.
ResponderEliminar1. What‘s Clyde’s occupation?
He was fisherman
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It was silence and peaceful
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
She felt both fear and wonder, a feeling that her life would never be the same again.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
The starship was destroyed when something big hit them out in space.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
Because the starship hit pieces of rocks and other things, and at the speed of it anything would burned up immediately and the water was useful to put out it.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying a hundred and four years
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
He was jealous and he wanted to fight with him
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because when is easy to see and talk to other people by pushing a button on a computer, most of the need for cities was gone and once they can control the gravity all the movements and travel became really simple.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It was endless curving wall of metal, perhaps as much as four kilometres long.
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan?
There were thousands of colonists.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora met Leon’s wife who was pregnant.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
At the end of the story, the Magellan returned to the Earth
ResponderEliminar1. What ‘s Clyde’s occupation? He is assistance rocket engineer
2. What was Planet Thalassa like? It is a peaceful island.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon? She feel afraid
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space? When it was in space something bit them.
5. Why was water important for the starship? Because with the water he could build a shield for the starship.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa? He had been flying for one hundred and four years.
7.How did Clyde feel aboutLeon? He is jealousy because Leon was making advance with lora
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more? Because the human in hearth can control the gravity
9. What was starship Magellan like?
10. How many colonists were ravelling on the Magellan? Ten of thousands
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship? Lora meet lLeon’s son and Leon`s wife
12. What happens at the end of the story? Lora stay in talhassa with Clyde and Leon go out in the starship.
María Martínez Fernández 1ºbachillerato C
ResponderEliminar1. What's Clyde’s occupation?
He is a fisherman.
2. What was Planet Thalassa like?
It was a young planet and small. He had two moons. Colonist from the Earth live there happily. Its was similar to Earth.
3. How did Lora feel when she saw Leon?
Lora felt fear and wonder, it was a new feeling for her. She feel in love with him.
4. What had happened to Leon’s starship when it was out in space?
That big pieces of rocks hit the shield that protected the starship. They can not continue the travel without the shield.
5. Why was water important for the starship?
The engineers could make a new shield tourning the water into ice.
6. How long had Leon been flying before he landed on Thalassa?
He had been flying for a hundred and four days.
7. How did Clyde feel about Leon?
Clyde felt jealous and angry because he could see Lora was not interested in him any more.
8. Why are there cities on Earth any more?
Because people living in a city could see and talk to other people using computers, in adition they controled gravity and in this way the could move house. Movement and travel was very easy.
9. What was starship Magellan like?
It was made of metal and it was four kilometres long. Inside there were lot of walkways, tunnels with no gravity, strange machines, long rows of mysterious computers in the engine room which was kilometre long. There were huge libraries. In a part of the starship there was no no gravity and the air was freezen. There were, lots of rows of glass boxes with frozen human beings.
10. How many colonists were travelling on the Magellan?
Tens of thousands of colonists were travelling inside the Magellan to a new world.
11. Who did Lora meet on the starship?
Lora mets Leon's wife.She was frozen inside one of the glass boxes. Leon told Lora that he was going to have a child.
12. What happens at the end of the story?
The starship finally can travel to space with the ice shield made with sea water from Thalassa. Leon continues his travel in the starship, Lora understands she must stay in her planet and Clyde forgets his angry feeling. They continue their life together although they will never forget what has happened.