- According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
- What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
- Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
- What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
- What solution did they offer to humans?
- Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
February 22th,
at 20.00 alpha time.
Jesús Gerada Ojeda
ResponderEliminar1º Bach. A
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? For telepathy of the people of the Earth.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He is a doctor.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because several brains gave a silent shout of pleasure and the wall disappeared in a fog and in addition this it was the tunnel.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? That your Sun was going to exploit in three days from of now, specifically in seventy-four hours.
5. What solution did they offer to humans? Then that were giving a step to the tunnel that they had ahead and immediately would go on to another dimension.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? Because it could be that his plan was not going out to go out for them well.
Víctor Ruiz 1ºC
ResponderEliminar1. The Great Scientist said that they can communicate with the Earth by telepathy, but it would be extremely difficult, because the Earth was five hundred light-years away from Thaar, and in the Earth the people didn’t seem to be telepathic.
2. Bill Cross occupation is rocket engineer; he is paid to make rockets which can carry bombs.
3.Bill Cross wasn’t surprised when he saw the tunnel because he was drunk, and when he was drunk he often sees hallucinations, so the tunnel could be one of them.
4.Thaarns’s scientists had discovered that the sun of Bill’s planet was going to explode in three days and nothing could stop it.
5.The solution that Thaarns offered to humans was that the tunnel that had appeared in front of Bill was a bridge through space that can carry humans to another planet which was like the Earth and where they could start from the beginning.
6.Bill Cross wasn’t sad about the warming from Thaar because he thought that it was a hallucination, so it wasn’t real, and the sun wouldn’t explode.
Marina Victoria Núñez Bono 1ªBach.
ResponderEliminar1-According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
Any intelligent being, has to have a telepathic being between them. They have to send many searches and they have to do ready to take the thought. They have to work with the minds.
2-What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill Cross makes rockets loaded with bombs.
3-Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Bill Cross was not surprised when he saw the tunnel, because he was accustomed to seeing hallucinations when it was drunk and he had seen things more impressive than the tunnel.
4-What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
The scientists were thinking about having entered in touch with Thaar and they had discovered that his Sun was going to exploit in three days (seventy four hours).
5-What solution did they offer to humans?
The scientists offered as solution to create a bridge, a space of tunnel for the space.
6-Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
Bill Cross was sad, because he has spent many years doing rockets, to make something useful, but with the purpose of which with the bombs they kill themselves the persons enter and he didn't want. If they were giving to him another planet, he would do a better work on the rockets.
ResponderEliminarÁlvaro Sánchez Iriarte
No morning after
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
They can communicate with the Earth if they send out many searchers ready to catch every thought from Earth.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill Cross’s occupation is to make rockets which can carry bombs.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because Bill used to see hallucinations due to alcohol.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
Scientist from Thaar had discovered that human’s sun was going to explode in three days.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
The solution that they offer is to make a tunnel through space. If humans walk through the tunnel they will arrive to another planet, in others words, the humans will be lead by the tunnel to other planet where they can survive.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
He is not sad because if world finishes also finishes misery, bombs and wars. He thinks that if humans would have another planet they would do the same bad things. He does not want to save the world.
According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? They can communicate with the earth with the telepathic power. They send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest human thought.
What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He is a builder of rockets which can carry bombs, and he is a good mathematician.
Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he thought that it was one of the hallucinations that he has got when he is drunk.
What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? The scientists discovered that the Earth´s sun is going to to explode soon.
What solution did they offer to humans? They offered to build space bridges to go to another world, where humans could live without danger.
Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? No. Because he was drunk and he thought that he was a lucky man, so he didn´t think that the message was true.
ResponderEliminarNo Morning After
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
The great scientist thinks that they can communicate by telepathy.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He is a rocket engineer at the army.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he thinks that it was an hallucination because he was used to seeing it when he was drunk.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
They discovered that our sun is going to explode in three days.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
They say that we can go trough a short cut to another world like the earth an start from the beginning.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No because it would save a lot of misery, no more worries about bombs and people killing each other.
ResponderEliminar·According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? The Thaars can you report across the minds. And only with Bill's mind.
·What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He’s engineer that make rockets which can cary bombs.
·Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he believed that he was because he was drunk and he often saw hallucinations.
·What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? That the sun was going to destroy in a little time.
·What solution did they offer to humans? To pass for a tunnel to a planet adapted for the human beings that they had discovered.
·Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? Yes, he’s sad because he think that all the human beings aren’t like he.
Carlos Perez Calderon
No Morning After
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He is a rocket engineer
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
That the sun of our solar system would explode in 72 hours
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
Pass through an space tunnel and get to another world similar to the earth
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
Not at all, because he thought that in another world, he would do the same job and people would continue killing each other, so, why to have another opportunity?
Maria A. Arias Morales 1ºA
ResponderEliminarNo morning after
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? They must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought. When you find a single open mind, work as hard as you can on it. They must get their message through.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? Bill Cross’s work it consists of to make rockets which can carry bombs.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he was used to seeing hallucinations when he has drunk, and he seen more exciting ones than this.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? Their scientists have discovered that our sun is going to explode three days from now.
5. What solution did they offer to humans? The solution is that the Thaarns will give us a new planet for life.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? Yes, because he thinks that if we’d only do the same stupid things all over again in the new planet and Brenda’s left town without even writing a note to say goodbye.
Fernando Ortega Mesas 1º C
ResponderEliminarMARTES 17 DE FEBRERO DE 2009
No Morning After
According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? They only can communicate with the person when it has a free mind of thoughts.
What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He is a rockets engineer.
Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones than this.
What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? They had just discovered that the sun was going to explode in three days, in seventy-four hours exactly.
What solution did they offer to humans? The solution is a kind of tunnel through space where they can pass to another planet to be saved.
Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?No, Because he said it would be a very good thing, no more worries about bombs, and people killing each other, or not having enough food to eat.
February 22th,
at 20.00 alpha time.
María Diaz Hervás 1º Bach.C
ResponderEliminarAccording to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
He said that they have to find a single open mind, for get their message through.
What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill Cross is rocket engineer.
Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he was drunk, and normally when he drunk he had hallucinations.
What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
They had discovered that the sun of the earth is going to explode in three days.
What solution did they offer to humans?
They said that the humans had to cross a tunel, for go to another planet where the humans could live.
Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No. Because he hate his world, the wars, the arms, and he was sad because the woman who he love didn´t do nothing for be with him, and for this reasons he didn`t mind that his world finishes.
ResponderEliminar1.According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
The Great Scientist said that they can communicate with the Earth by telepathy, but it would be extremely difficult, because the Earth was five hundred light-years away from Thaar, and in the Earth the people didn’t seem to be telepathic.
2.What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill Cross occupation is rocket engineer; he is paid to make rockets which can carry bombs.
3.Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Bill Cross wasn’t surprised when he saw the tunnel because he was drunk, and when he was drunk he often sees hallucinations, so the tunnel could be one of them.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
Thaarns’s scientists had discovered that the sun of Bill’s planet was going to explode in three days and nothing could stop it.
5.What solution did they offer to humans?
The solution that Thaarns offered to humans was that the tunnel that had appeared in front of Bill was a bridge through space that can carry humans to another planet which was like the Earth and where they could start from the beginning.
6.Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
Bill Cross wasn’t sad about the warming from Thaar because he thought that it was a hallucination, so it wasn’t real, and the sun wouldn’t explode.
Adrian Ladeza Gonzalez 1º Bach. C
ResponderEliminar1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?scientists from Thaar
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He work for the army for make rockets wich can carry bombs
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? because he was drunk
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? taht sun is going to explode in three days
5. What solution did they offer to humans? they make bridges all over Earth, so the people can just walk trught them and escape
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? Yes, because there was great alarm and amazement on tharr
Mari Paz Del Toro Lagares, 1ºC
ResponderEliminarNo morning after
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
He says that must have some telepathic people among them. He says that they must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought. When they find a single open mind, work as hard as they can on it.They must get our message through.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill Cross is paid to make rockets which can carry bombs, and he isn’t paid to invent spaceships.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones that this.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
That the sun is going to explode in three days from now – in seventy-four hours, to be exact. Nothing can stop it.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
That they can make what we call a bridge – it’s a kind of tunnel through space, like the one Bill is looking into now.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, he is sad because he has spent years trying to make rockets do something useful, and they tell him he’s only allowed to make rockets for bombs, so that we can all blow each other up. The sun will make a better job of it, and if they did give us another planet, they'd only do the same stupid things all over again. And, Brenda's left town without even writing a note to say goodbye. Bill's not very enthusiastic about your kind offer of help.
ResponderEliminar1. They can communicate with the Earth searching a person who can listen what they say.
2. Bill Cross is rocket engineer.
3. Because he was drunkard.
4. They discovered that the sun of the Land go to exploiting.
5. They offer that the humans go to other planet.
6. No, because he didin´t like his word.
-According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
ResponderEliminarThe first we must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought. When you find a single open mind, work as hard as you can on it. We must get our message through.
-What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He makes rockets which can carry bombs in the army
-Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he was used to seen hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones than this.
-What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
That they had certainly made contact
-What solution did they offer to humans?
That all human beings can`t be like you
Nicolas Gelabert Martin 1ºA
ResponderEliminar1.the Taars want comunicated to the Earth with one mind´s men.
2.he was a builder of rockets and mathematical.
3.because he was drunkard and he relieve that this was a hallucination.
4.that the sun will burst in 3 days.
5.they had made Bridgs for to save the people.
6.because he believe that he is lucky because he look and listen a hallucination.
ResponderEliminar1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
According him, they must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought and when they find a single open mind, them must get their message through.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He built rockets which can carry bombs and a very good mathematician.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he thought it was because he was drunk, and he usually see things like that.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
Thaar had discovered that Earth’s sun is going to explode three days after their conversation, and nothing can stop it.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
He offered to make a bridge. It’s a kind of tunnel through space connecting the Earth to another planet.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, because he thinks that he is a fortunate man and all that he heard these day through the tunnel was an hallucination because he was drunk.
ResponderEliminar1º Bachillerato C
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? They can communicate with the Earth using telepathy with people on Earth.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He is a rocket engineer.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because when he was drunk he was used to seeing hallucinations like it.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? They had discovered that Earth’s sun was going to explode three days after they spoke with Bill.
5. What solution did they offer to humans? They were going to make what they called a bridge, a kind of tunnel through space that they would use to transport human beings to planets like Earth in the universe.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? No, because he think that a lot of misery disappear and there aren’t no more worries about bombs, and people killing each other, or not having enough food to eat.
1º Bachillerato C Fátima Postigo Corrales.
ResponderEliminarNo Morning After
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? They can communicate with the Earth if they find a telepathic person, because the are very far of the Earth.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He makes rockets for bombs.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he was drunk and he was used to seeing hallucinations when he drunk and these were more exciting than this.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? They had discovered that the sun is going to explode three days after.
5. What solution did they offer to humans? They offer to save them, if they believe it and enter to the tunnel; they will give them a new planet like the Earth, for to start again.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why? He isn’t enthusiastic with the offer, because he thinks that the people will the same stupid things all over again if they give them a new planet.
No Morning After Álvaro Jiménez López-Rey 1º Bach C
ResponderEliminar1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
By using their telepathic powers through space, looking for any human being on the Earth who is mentally prepared for receiving their word of warning about the end of the Earth (that person would have to fulfil some requirements, like being at an exactly Earth area or, obviously, having a telepathic mind ready for getting message).
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He is an army rocket engineer who is paid to create devices that could help the country from the point of view of the army, like making this sort of spaceship carry bombs.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he thought that the tunel and the voices were hallucinations due to the huge amount of alcohol he had drunk (he was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones than this).
4. What had the scientists from Thaarn discovered?
They had just discovered that the Sun was going to explode three days from that moment (in seventy-four hours, specifically), so the explosion would affect Earth and the rest of planets near to the star (destroying them and all their living beings) right out to Jupiter.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
Thaarn scientist had offered to humans the chance of opening what they called `bridges´, tunnels or short cuts through a higher dimension of space, all around the Earth, so humans could go into them to another planet very similar to ours where we would avoid our extinction and we would start our civilization again. The task Thaarns had assigned Bill was to pass on that message to Earth people in order to manage to save their lifes.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaarn? Why?
No, he isn´t. Because he is unhappy with his job (his boss doesn´t let him be creative and design fantastic spaceships, just devices that could interest to the army, like rockets which can carry bombs) and Brenda (she is supposed to be her wife or the most probably thing: her girlfriend) has finally gone off with another man, Johny Gardner without even say goodbye to him. Consequently, he is only centred on himself and not on the rest of the Earth beings. Also, owing to his alcoholic condition and to his depression, he just see the bad side of the life, claiming to Thaarns that the best thing human race can do is to be eliminated because, at the new planet, we will just begin fighting and creating problems each other again.
Desirée Núñez Cabanillas
1-They must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought
2-He is a rocket engineer
3-Because he was drunk
4-They have discovered that the sun is going to explode
5-They will make bridges, which lead human beings to another planet
6-No, because he thought that if the world ended, there would be no more worries
Jesús Bermudo García
ResponderEliminar1º Bachillerato C
No Morning After
According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
The Great Scientist believed that any intelligent beings must have some telepathic people among them, so he said that they must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the smallest thought. When they find a single open mind, should work as hard as they can on it.
What is Bill Cross’s occupation?He’s a rocket engineer and mathematician.
Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because Bill was very, very drunk. He was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones than this. He thought that it was a great hallucination of his mind, result of bottle of whisky that he was drunk.
What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
They had discovered that sun was going to explode in three days, in seventy-four hours, to be exact. Nothing can stop it. And as a result the Earth will be destroyed at once. All the planets, in fact will be disappeared, right out to Jupiter.
What solution did they offer to humans?
They can make what they call a bridge, a kind of tunnel through space. There are plenty of planets like Earth in the universe, and they’ve found one that will suit human beings. They’ll make bridges all over Earth, so people can just walk through them and escape. They’ll have to start from the beginning on the new planet, of course, but it’s their only hope. Bill must pass on this message, and tell them what to do.
Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, he isn’t. Because he said that it would save a lot of misery. No more worries about bombs, and people killing each other, or not having enough food to eat. He exclaimed that it would be wonderful.
Fernando Lobo Delgado.1º A.
ResponderEliminar1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
With telephaty.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
A scientific.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he think that there are a hallucination.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
Tha the sun is going to explode in theree days
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
Transport all the humans to other planet like the Earth.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, because he believe that there are a hallucination
Marta Ortiz Rodríguez 1ºC
ResponderEliminar1.According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
By means of some person who has telepathy in the Earth.
2.What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He works in the army.
3.Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he sees the hallucinations when he was drunk and he is drunk at the moment.
4.What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
That the sun of the Earth is going to explode three days from now – in seventy-four hours, to be exact
5.What solution did they offer to humans?
A bridge that is some kind of short cut through a higher dimension of space.
6.Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, because he thinks that it is a hallucination.
1ºC Marta Mª Camacho Uceda
ResponderEliminarI send you with a little of retard because I haven´t a good connection to internet. I´m sorry
1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth? It´s difficult because it´s too far, but the Great Scientist send out hundred of searches, ready to catch the smallest thought.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation? He is a mathematician.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall? Because he was used to seeing hallucination when he was drunk, and he has seen more exciting ones than this.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered? The scientists have just discovered that Bill´s sun is going to explode three days from now.
5. What solution did they offer to humans? They propose to make bridges for the people can walk through them an escape.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar?Why?
No, because it would save a lot of misery, no more worries about bombs, an people killing each other, or not having enough food to eat.
ResponderEliminar1. According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
He thought that any intelligent beings must have some telepathic people among them. They must send out hundreds of searchers, ready to catch the small thought. They must get their message through a single open mind. Suddenly,the brains of the planet Thaar sent out their long lines of thought, searching desesperately for a human being whose mind could receive their message.
2. What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He is a rocket engineer. He had spent a lot of years thinking and dreaming about space and space travel.
3. Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
He was used to seeing hallucinations when he was drunk, and he had seen more exciting ones than this.
4. What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
The scientists from Thaar discovered that Earth´s sun is going to explode three days from now. Nothing can stop it.
5. What solution did they offer to humans?
Scientists could make “a bridge”. It´s a kind of tunnel through space. If Bill stepped into the tunnel , he´d find himself inmediately on another planet. Scientists will make bridges all over Earth, so people can just walk through them and escape.
6. Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, he isn´t. Because he thought it would be very good. It would save a lot of mistery. No more worries about bombs, and people killing each other, or not having enough food to eat. If scientists gave them another planet, people would only do the same stupid things all over again.
ResponderEliminar•According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
They can communicate with the earth using the mind
•What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
He is a mathematical men and he build rockets
•Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he was very drunk and he think that it would hallucinations
•What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
The scientist discovered that the earths’ sun is going to explode
•What solution did they offer to humans?
The solution is build a bridge for the people to go to another planet
•Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No he was happy because nobody could have his imagination
María Martínez Fernández 1ºbachillerato C
ResponderEliminar1.According to the Great Scientist, how can they communicate with the Earth?
They can send their thoughts through space and search a human being whose mind could receive their messages telepathicaly.
2.What is Bill Cross’s occupation?
Bill is a rocket engineer.
3.Why was Bill Cross not surprised when he saw the tunnel through the wall?
Because he usually had hallucinations when he was drunks.
4.What had the scientists from Thaar discovered?
The scientist in Thaar had discovered that our sun was going to explote in three days, in seventy-four hours.
5.What solution did they offer to humans?
They offered to make a bridge, so that humans went through a kind of tunnel to space. They offered a planet like Earth where people could live but starting from the beginning.
6.Is Bill Cross sad about the word of warning from Thaar? Why?
No, he thinks that it would be a very good thing, because he was very depressed. He had a lot of problems with his job, his girlfriend, and the world situation. So, he believes that the sun explotion will be a solution for everything.