viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

The Songs of Distant Earth

Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book.
Before reading the book, try to find the following information.
Fill in the author's chart:

  • Name:
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of birth:
  • Date of death:
  • Occupations:
  • Main works:
EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?

January 23th, at 20.00 alpha time.

45 comentarios:

  1. 1ºC
    Álvaro Sánchez Iriarte

    Name: his full name is Arthur Charles Clarke

    Date of birth: he was born December 16, 1917

    Place of birth: He was born in Minehead, England. In Somerset.

    Date of death: He death March 19, 2008, in Sri Lanka

    Occupations: He was writer and also he was a good scientist.

    Main works: his main works are “Cita con rama” and “Odisea especial”.

  2. 1ºC
    Desirée Núñez Cabanillas
    Arthur Charles Clarke
    16 of December in 1917
    In Minehead, Somerset, England
    19 of March in 2008
    He was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist
    He was a author
    EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?
    Yes, I can. The album “The Songs of Distant Earth” of Mike Oldfield is based on this book.


    NAME: Arthur Charles Clarke.
    DATE OF BIRTH: He was born in 1917
    PLACE OF BIRTH: He was born in Somerset (England).
    DATE OF DEATH: He died the 19 march of 2008 en Colombo.
    OCCUPATIONS: He was writer, he has made many radio and televisión appearances.
    MAIN WORKS: He served in the Royal Air Force as a Technical officer.

  4. Marina Victoria Núñez Bono 1ªA Bachillerato

    -Name: Arthur Charles ClarKe.

    -Date of birth: He was born in 1917.

    -Place of birth: He was born in Somerset, England.

    -Date of death: He died on March 19, 2008.

    -Ocupations: Arthur C. Clarke, was integrated to the Forces Áereas Royas as a Technical Official. He was writing stories of science ficción and articles, and was travelling very much.

    -Main works: Some of his best-known titles are the short stories "The Sentinel", "The Star ", "The Transit of Earth ", and "The Nine billions of God's Names ".
    His many successful novels include Childhood's End (1953), Rendezvous with Rama (1973), and the Imperial Earth (1975).
    His greatest success is probably a 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - he wrote the novel and co-authored the screenplay for the famous Stanley Kubrick film.

  5. 1ºC
    Carlos Pérez Calderón
    The Songs of Distant Earth
    • Name: Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
    • Date of birth: 16 December 1917
    • Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset, United Kingdom
    • Date of death: 19 March 2008
    • Occupations: Author, Inventor
    • Main works: Childhood's End, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rendezvous with Rama, The Fountains of Paradise
    EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?

    Clarke's novel, Songs of Distant Earth, was the theme for an album of the same name released by ambient musician Mike Oldfield, the creator of the 1973 album Tubular Bells. Most of the sections in the album are named after elements of the novel, such as "The Sunken Forest". The inlay/sleevenotes include a short piece written by Clarke. Oldfield also used other titles from Clarke's work for songs, including "Sentinel" and "Sunjammer", on Tubular Bells II.

    P.S.: Maybe I'm the first? wuuu

  6. • Name: Arthur Charles Clarke
    Fernando Lobo Delgado 1º bach A

    • Date of birth: 16 December 1917
    • Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset, United Kingdom
    • Date of death: Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • Occupations: Author, Inventor
    • Main works: The sentinel, 2001: a space odisey

  7. Jesús Gerada Ojeda 1º Bach. A

    The Songs of Distant Earth

    Actividades sobre el autor del libro de lectura de inglés para el día 23-1-2009:

    · Name: His complete name is Arthur Charles Clarke.
    · Date of birth: He was born on December 16, 1997.
    · Place of birth: The site where he was born was in Minehead ( England ).
    · Date of death: When he died was March 19, 2008.
    · Occupations: Some of his occupations were: the astronomy, the photography, the submarine exploration…..
    · Main works: He served in the Royal Air Force as specialist in radars, he practised several years as president of the Interplanetary British Society (BIS), was a commentator of the CBS, he wrote books of science-fiction…..

  8. Antonio Blanco Garcia 1c

    Name: Arthur C.Clarke's
    Date of birth: 16 december 1917
    Place of birth: in Minehead
    Date of death: March 19, 2008
    Occupations: Arthur C. Clarke was a British scientist and writer. Author of works of popular science and science fiction, as the sentinel or appointment Branch and co-screenwriter of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Main works: The site works as a branch or appointment and co-screenwriter of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    EXTRA CREDIT: Plot Summary

    The story is set 1,500 years in the future, on the faraway oceanic planet of Thalassa. Thalassa was populated by humans with an embryonic seed pod, sent out from Earth in a last attempt to continue the human race's existence. Unlike Clarke's other works, this piece focuses on characterization and emotional development, instead of technological change. In some sense, it was written as a response to critics who attacked his writings as cold and impersonal.

    It starts with an introduction to the native Thalassan's – Mirissa, an attractive marine biologist; her de facto partner, Brant; and other friends and family. Their peaceful existance comes to an end with the appearance of Magellan, a spaceship from Earth containing one million colonists put into cryonic suspension.

    The events leading up to the race to save the human race are explained through the book in flashbacks. Scientists in the 1960s discover that the neutrino emissions from the sun – a result of the nuclear reactions that fuel the star – were far diminished from expected physical levels. Less than a decade later, it is confirmed – the problem is not with their equipment. The sun is due to go nova around the year AD 3600.

    The human race's technology advances enough for various factions to send out pods containing human and mammalian embryos, along with robot "parents," to planets that are considered habitable. Sending live humans was ruled out; scientists and mathematicians proving that the invention of the Quantum drive, essential to give humans the required speed to travel such great distances, was impossible. Seed pods continue to be sent out across the galaxy, and less than a hundred years before the sun is set to go nova, a mistake was uncovered; a minus sign had been accidentally converted to a plus, and the Quantum drive was indeed possible. The time remaining meant that only one ship could be built and sent to the stars: the Magellan.

    Thalassa's only connection with Earth was a single communication dish, which was destroyed during a volcanic eruption, and not repaired. Magellan stops at Thalassa to replenish the mammoth ice shield that prevented micrometeors from damaging the ship. Thalassa was the obvious choice for such an operation, as the planet was 95% water, before the space vessel continues on to its destination, the planet Sagan 2.

    A semi-sentient life form is discovered beneath Thalassa'a oceans, which were named Scorps. They are similar to Earth's own sea scorpions, or the eurypterids, only much larger. The discovery of their race was prompted by the frequent event of robots designed to seek out fish going missing; the Scorps interfered with these pieces of technology in order to gain the precious metal they were made from in order to make bands of honour and rank. The Scorps were proven farmers, and had created their own village out of underwater rock caves.

    Some of the crew aboard the Magellan begin to consider mutiny, wanting to stay in the secure environment of Thalassa, rather than risk the unknown for a planet that may or may not be habitable. The situation is solved just before take-off – the mutineers are left with the Thalassans, while the rest of their colleagues continue on to Sagan 2.

    The book finishes with Mirissa sending messages to her lover aboard Magellan, showing him their son, whom he will not see until both Mirissa and her son are long returned to dust. Mirissa's last clear sight when she is old is of the fading star that is the Magellan.

    The novel explores the impact of this reunion, documenting the efforts of the Magellan crew to repair their ship, and most poignantly, the growth of love amidst the barriers of distance and time.

  9. 1ºA
    Marigracia Morales Najas.

    Name: Arthur C. Clarke
    Date of birth: 16 december 1917
    Place of birth: Minehead, England.
    Date of death: 19 March 2008
    Occupations: He was a writer.
    Main works:
    * The exploration of space (1951)
    * Prelude to space (1951)
    * The sands of Mars (1951)
    * The deep range (1957)
    * Tales from the White Hart (1957)
    * The other side of the Sky (1958)
    * Boy beneath the sea (1958)
    * Across the sea of stars (1959)
    * Reach for tomorrow (1962)
    * Tales from ten worlds (1962)
    * Profiles of the future (1962)
    * The nine billion names of God (1967)
    * 2001: A Space odissey (1968)
    * Meeting with Medusa (1971)
    * Into space (1972)
    * The lost worlds of 2001 (1972)
    * Report on planet three (1972)
    * Rendezvous with Rama (1973)
    * The gost from the grand banks (1990)
    * The garden of Rama (1991)
    * 3001: The final Odyssey (1996)
    * Greetings, carbon-based bipeds! (1999)
    * The trigger (2000)
    * Sunstorm , 2005 (with Stephen Baxter)
    * Firstborn , 2007 (with Stephen Baxter)

    Extra credit: This it is the link:

    The singer is Mike Oldfield. The name of the song is Tubular World.

  10. Cristina García Lorente
    The Songs of de Distant Earth

    - Name: Arthur C.Clarke
    - Date of birth: 16 Deecember in 1917
    - Place of birth: Minhead, Somerset
    - Date of death: 19 March in 2008 in Colombo (the capital of Sri Lanka)
    - Occupations: He wrote novels, statements for example “The songs of distant earth”.
    - Main works: Official of the RFA, He was an instructor of radar in the British aviation, It he dealed studies of physical and mathematics, president of the society interplantaria British.

  11. Alberto Gonzalez Montañés A 1
    Name: Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of Birth: December 16, 1917
    Birthplace: Minehead, Somerset (England)
    Date of death: March 19, 2008
    Occupations: writer and scientist
    Major works: The city and the stars (1956) ,The Sentinel (1983) ,The evening standard , among many others.

  12. The Songs of Distant Earth

    • Name: Arthur C. Clarke
    • Date of birth: November 16th, 1917
    • Place of birth: Minehead (England)
    • Date of death: March 19th, 2008
    • Occupations: science fiction autor,inventor and futurist
    • Main works: his most famous novel: 2001: A Space Odyssey. Other important Works: Childhood’s End, Rendezvous with Rama, The Fountains of Paradise

    NOMBRE: Nicolás Gelabert Martin
    CURSO: 1ºA

    Mari Paz Del Toro Lagares

    The Songs of Distant Earth

    Name: Sir Arthur Charles Clarke.

    Date of birth: He born in 1917, 16 of December.

    Place of birth: He born in Minehead, Somerset( United Kingdom).

    Date of dead: He dead in 2008,19 of March, in Colombo( Sri Lanka).

    Occupations: He was writter , inventor and scientist.

    Main Works: His main works are” The sentinel” ,“Rendezvous with Rama” and “A Space Odyssey”.

    Extra Cridit: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?
    Yes, I find a CD of Mike oldfield called The Songs of Distant Earth. This songs are:
    1.- In the Beginning
    2.- Let There Be Light
    4.- Magellan
    5.- First Landing
    6.- Oceania
    7.- Only Time Will Tell
    8.-Prayer for the Earth
    9.-Lament for Atlantis
    10.-The Chamber
    12.-Tubular World
    13.-The Shining Ones
    14.-Crystal Clear
    15.-The Sunken Forest
    17.-A New Beginning

  14. Fernando Ortega Mesas 1º Bachillerato C

    The Songs of Distant Earth

    Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book.
    Before reading the book, try to find the following information.
    Fill in the author's chart:

    Name: Sir Arthur Charles Clarke.
    Date of birth: The 16th of December, 1917.
    Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset (England).
    Date of death: The 19th of March, 2008.
    Occupations: Writer of science fiction and futurist, Inventor, Television commentator and Co-Scriptwriter.
    Main works:
    Expedition to the Earth, including "The Sentinel" (1953).
    Profiles of the Future (1962).
    Rendezvous with Rama (1973).
    Spatial odyssey:
    - 2001: A spatial odyssey (1968).
    - 2010: Odyssey two (1982).
    - 2061: Odyssey three (1987).
    - 3001: Final Odyssey (1997).
    The world is one, on the history of the telecommunications (1992).
    Childhood's End (1953).
    The fountains of the paradise (1979).

    EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth? Yes, "The Songs of Distant Earth" is the name of one of Mike´s Oldfield albumes.Here, there is a link to listen to one of the songs of this album:

  15. 1ºC

    Name: The name of the writer is Arthur Charles Clark.

    Date of birth: He was born in 16th of December, in 1917.

    Place of birth: He was born in Minehead, Somerset, in United Kingdom.

    Date of death: He died in 19th of March, in 2008.

    Occupations: He was writer and scientific.

    Main works: His main works are “A Space Odyssey” and “Rendezvous with Rama”, between manyothers.
    Can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?
    I have found some songs of “The Songs of Distant Earth”, as “Let There Be Light” ( or “Hibernaculum” (

  16. Víctor Ruiz 1ºC

    Arthur Charles Clarke
    He was born on 16 of Decembre 1917
    The place where he was born is Minehead (England)
    He died on 19 of March 2008 in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
    Author of works of popular science and science-fiction
    Their principal works were Rendezvous with Rama and The Fountains of Paradise

    “The songs of distant earth” is the title of the CD composed by Mike Oldfield in 1994, where we can find the song Tubular World. The CD is electronic, with utilization of computers. Always he has utilized the computers for his songs and he wanted puts the name of the Mike C. Clarke’s novel for the creation of the sonorous band of the science-fiction book. He says that this song is to listen the Clarke’s book. It is a CD about spaceships, travels for the Universe and magic. The CD was successful in Spain in 1994.

    Here you are the song:


    • Name: his name is Arthur Charles Clarke.
    • Date of birth: he was born on the sixtennth of December, 1917 .
    • Place of birth: he was born in Minehead(England) .
    • Date of death: he die in the nineteenth of march, 2008.
    • Occupations: he was a writter and a scientist. He was interested in astronomy and he worked for the royal air force with radars.
    • Main works: he wrote science fiction novels.
    • Prelude to Space (1951)
    • Childhood's End (1953)
    • The City and the Stars (1956)
    • A Fall of Moondust (Hugo nominated) (1961)
    • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
    • Rendezvous with Rama (Hugo and Nebula Award) (1972)
    • A Meeting with Medusa (Nebula Award for best novella) (1972)
    • Imperial Earth (1975)
    • The Fountains of Paradise (Hugo and Nebula Award) (1979)
    • The Songs of Distant Earth (1986)
    • The Light of Other Days (2000) (with Stephen Baxter)
    • The Other Side of the Sky (1958)
    • The Nine Billion Names of God (1967)
    • The Wind from the Sun (1972)
    • The Best of Arthur C. Clarke (1973)
    • The Sentinel (1983)
    • The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2001

  18. Sixto Díaz Llacer 1º Bachillerato C

    Name: Arthur C. Clarke
    Date of birth: December 16, 1917
    Place of birth: Minehead (England)
    Date of death: March 19, 2008
    Occupations: British scientist and writer.
    Main works: The sentry or Meeting with Branch, and An odyssey of the space.

  19. 1ºC Fátima Postigo Corrales

    The Songs of Distant Earth

    Name: His name is Arthur C. Clarke.
    Date of birth: He was born on 16th of December in 1917.
    Place of birth: He was born in Minehead, Somerset, England.
    Date of death: And he died on 19 of March in 2008, when he was 90 years old in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    Occupations: He was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist. He loved the sciences like maths and physics. He studied astronomy too, and a satellite has got his name. At the end he acted in some series on TV.
    Main works: His famous works are for example the novel “A Space Odyssey” in 2001, the The Fountains of Paradise in 1979, Rendezvous with Rama in 1973, The City and the Stars (1956), The Sentinel in 1948, The Songs of the Distant Earth (1986),…

  20. Virginia Buzon Quintero 1ªbachillerato A.
    Name:Arthur C.Clarke.
    Date of birth:16 of December of 1917.
    Place of birth:In Minehead (Inglaterra).
    Date of death:19 of March of 2008.
    Occupations:Study mathematical and physics in the prestigious King´s College of London, studies that finalized with honors.Also it exerted several years like president of the British Interplanetary Society.
    Main works:Preludio al espacio, 1951
    Las arenas de Marte, 1951
    Islas en el cielo, 1952
    El fin de la infancia, 1953
    Expedición a la Tierra, 1953
    Claro de Tierra, 1955
    Alcanza el mañana, 1956
    La ciudad y las estrellas, 1956
    En las profundidades, 1957
    Cuentos de la taberna del Ciervo Blanco, 1957
    Relatos de diez mundos, 1961
    Naufragio en el mar selenita, 1961
    2001: Una odisea espacial, 1968
    El viento del Sol: relatos de la era espacial, 1972
    Cita con Rama, 1973
    Regreso a Titán, 1975
    Fuentes del paraíso, 1979
    2010: Odisea dos, 1982
    Cánticos de la lejana tierra, 1986
    Venus Prime, 1987
    2061: Odisea tres, 1987
    Rama II, 1989
    Tras la caída de la noche, 1990
    El espectro del Titanic, 1990
    Rama revelada, 1991
    El mundo es uno, 1992
    El martillo de Dios, 1993
    El jardín de Rama, 1994
    3001: Odisea final, 1996
    Luz de otros días, 2000
    El ojo del tiempo, 2007
    The best military science fiction of the 20th century (con Philip K. Dick)

  21. 1ºC
    •Name: Arthur Charles Clarke
    •Date of birth: 16th December 1917
    •Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset England
    •Date of death: 19th March 2008
    •Occupations: he was writer; also he was interested in science and science fiction.
    •Main works: ”the Sentinel”, “the Star”, “Transit of Earth”, “the Nine Billion Names of God” and “A space Odyssey”.

    The songs of distant earth Mike Oldfield

  22. Carmen María de la Fuente Rodríguez 1º A

    Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book.
    Before reading the book, try to find the following information.
    Fill in the author's chart:

    • Name: Arthur Charles Clarke.
    • Date of birth: 16 of December in 1917.
    • Place of birth: In Somerset, England.
    • Date of death: 19 of March in 2008.
    • Occupations: He was a British writer of popular science and science fiction, as well as inventor, and television commentator.

    • Main works:

    ¤ Some of his best-know titles are the short stories “The Sentinel”, “The Star”, “Transit of Earth”, and “The Nine Billion Names of God”.
    ¤ His many successful novels incluye Childhood´s End (1953), Rendezvous whit Rama (1973), and Imperial Earth (1975).
    ¤ His greatest success is probable 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).


    1. His name is Arthur Charles Clarke.

    2. He was born on 16th December 1917

    3. He was born in Minehead (England)

    4. He died on 19th March 2008

    5. He was writer and scientist


    7. One song of “The songs of Distant Earth” is: "In the Beginning"

  24. Cristina Pérez Laborda

    The Songs of Distant Earth
    Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book.
    Before reading the book, try to find the following information.
    Fill in the author's chart:
    • Name: Arthur C. Clarke.
    • Date of birth: 16 de diciembre de 1917.
    • Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset (Reino Unido).
    • Date of death: 19 de marzo de 2008.
    • Occupations: He was a writer and an inventor.
    • Main works: Author of works of scientific spreading and of science fiction, El centinela or Cita con Rama and co-scriptwriter of 2001: Una odisea del espacio.
    Mejor novela Cita con Rama and Fuentes del paraíso.
    Other novels:
    1951: Preludio al espacio, 1951: Las arenas de Marte, 1952: Islas en el cielo, 1953: El fin de la infancia, 1955: Claro de Tierra, 1956: La ciudad y las estrellas, 1957: En las profundidades, 1961: Naufragio en el mar selenita, 1975: Regreso a Titán.

    EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?

  25. Sandra Ruiz Merchán 1ºBach.C

    # Name:Arthur Charles Clarke
    # Date of birth:he was born on 16 of december in 1917
    # Place of birth: he was born in Minehead (england)
    # Date of death: on19 of march in 2008 in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
    # Occupations: he was writer and scientific
    # Main works: he is the author of some popular science and science fiction books like "the sentinel" or "cita con Rama". he is co-screenwriter of "A Space Odyssey".

  26. 1º Bach Adrián Guerra de la Corte

    • Name: Arthur Charles Clarke

    • Date of birth: He was born in 1917

    • Place of birth: He was born on Somerset. England

    • Date of death: He dead in 2008

    • Occupations: He was a writer and an inventor

    • Main works: He served in the Royal Air Force as a Technical Officer

    Name: Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth: He was born 16th December 1917.
    Place of birth: In Minehead (England)
    Date of death: He died 19th March 2008 in Colombo (Sri Lanka).
    Occupations: He was a British writer and scientific.
    Main works: His main works are Earthlight (1955), A Fall of Moondust
    ( 1961),Rendezvous with Rama(1973) and The Fountains of Paradise(1979).
    Based in “The Sentinel”(1951) he prepared with S. Kubrick the movie script of “2001: A Space Odyssey”.


    Name: Arthur C. Clarke
    Date of birth: 16 of December in 1917
    Place of birth: Somerset , England.
    Date of death: 19 of March in 2008
    Clarke was writer and inventor, also he has made many radio and television
    Main works:
    he has writed many short stories, for example “the star““transit of Earth” and “the nine Billion Names of God”

  29. 1ºC
    Marta Mª Camacho Uceda, la de antes soy yo

    Name: Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth: 16 decembre 1917
    Place of birth: Minehead (Inlgaterra)
    Date of death: 19 march 2008
    Occupations: writer and inventor
    Main works: “Odisea espacial”, “Regreso a Titán” and “Cita con Rama”

  30. Name: mike oldfield
    Date of birth: 15 may 1953
    Place of birth: reading , enlgand
    Date of death : 18 de marzo 2008
    Occupations: : compositor,musico,productor
    Main works: Virgen records
    Warner music
    mercury records

    Angel martin romero nº21 1ºA

  31. Sandra Carmona Rodríguez 1ºA.

    -Name: Arthur Charles Clarke.
    -Date of birth: 16th December 1917.
    -Place of birth: Minehead (Inglaterra).
    -Date of death: 18th March 2008.
    -Occupations: He was a music, producer and writer.
    -Main works: The Sentinel, Venus Prime, El espectro del Titanic.

  32. Laura Carracedo Pandelet 1ºA
    Name: Arthur C.Clarke
    Date of birth: he was born in 1971.
    Place of birth: he was born in Somerset, England.
    Date of death: 19.03.2008
    Ocupations: he was a writer
    main works: The short stories "The sentinel", "The star","Transit of Earth" and "The Nine Billion Names of God". Novels Childhood's End, Rendezvous with Rama, and Imperial Earth.A Space Odyssey. A book Theree Laws.

  33. Jesús Rodríguez Sousa 1A

    # Name:Arthur Charles Clarke
    # Date of birth:16 of December, 1917
    # Place of birth:Minehead (England)
    # Date of death:19 of March,2008
    # Occupations:writer and scientist
    # Main works:1952: 1952: Islands in the sky - 1956: It reaches the tomorrow 1961: Statements of ten worlds

  34. Adrián Ladeza González

    Name:Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth:december 16th , 1917
    Place of birth:Minehead(England)
    Date of death:19th Mars, 2008
    Occupations:British science fiction author, inventor,
    Main works:Childhood's End
    2001: A Space Odyssey
    Rendezvous with Rama
    The Fountains of Paradise



    Name: Arthur Charles Clarke.

    Date of birth: sixteenth December 1917.

    Place of birth: in Minehead (England).

    Date of death: 19 march 2008 in colombo (Sri Lanka).

    Occupations: Writer and Inventor.

    Main works: Odisea espacial y Cita con Rama.


    Name: Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth: 16 december 1917
    Place of birth: Somerset, England.
    Date of death: 19 march 2008
    Ocupations: He studied mathematics and physics, he worked in the Air Forces, but he became famous by his interventions in television and his books.
    Main works: He has written books very famous on the astrology. And he won many prizes.

  37. 1º Bach. C Álvaro Jiménez López-Rey
    Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book.
    Before reading the book, try to find the following information.
    Fill in the author's chart:
    •Name: Sri Lankabhimanya Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

    •Date of birth: 16th December 1917

    •Place of birth: Minehead, Somerset (England, United Kingdom)

    •Date of death: 19th March 2008 (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

    •Occupations: He was a writer and the co-scriptwriter of `2001 : A Space Odyssey´ (the film from Arthur´s novel) with Stanley Kubrick. Also, he was an inventor and he worked as a host and commentator in the British television series Mysterious World. Clarke served in the Royal Air Force as a radar instructor and technician from 1941 to 1946, he was chairman of the British Interplanetary Society from 1947 to 1950 and again in 1953.

    •Main works: He was the author of many popular science books, like `The Sentinel´, `Rendezvous with Rama´or his most famous novel `2001 : A Space Odyssey´.

    EXTRA CREDIT : can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth?

    These are the songs of the CD `Songs of distant Earth´, by Mike Oldfield, I think they are enough (if you want to listen to the music, just copy the link on the right and paste it on your Internet searcher):
    1. "In the Beginning" – 1:24
    2. "Let There Be Light" – 4:52
    3. "Supernova" – 3:29
    4. "Magellan" – 4:41
    5. "First Landing" – 1:16
    6. "Oceania" – 3:27
    7. "Only Time Will Tell" – 4:19
    8. "Prayer for the Earth" – 2:10
    9. "Lament for Atlantis" – 2:44
    10. "The Chambers" – 1:49
    11. "Hibernaculum" – 3:32
    12. "Tubular World" – 3:23
    13. "The Shining Ones" – 2:59
    14. "Crystal Clear" – 5:42
    15. "The Sunken Forest" – 2:39
    16. "Ascension" – 5:48
    17. "A New Beginning" – 1:33


    - His name is ARTHUR CHARLES CLARKE.
    - He was born on 16th December, 1917 in Minehead (England).
    - He died on 19th March, 2008 in Colombo (Sri Lanka).
    - He was a famous science fiction author, an inventor and a scientist.
    - Main work: “ Prelude to Space” (1951)
    “Childhood´s End” (1953)
    “The City and the stars” (1956)
    “A fall of Moondust” (1961)
    “2001: A space odyssey” (1968)
    “Imperial Earth” (1975)
    “The songs of Distant Earth” (1986)

    -I have sent the music to your e-mail.

  39. Marta Ortiz Rodríguez 1ºC

    *Name: Arthur Charles Clarke.

    *Date of birth: He was born on 16 December in 1917.

    *Place of birth: He was born in Minehead, United Kingdom.

    *Date of death: He died on 19 March in 2008.

    *Occupations: He was writer and English scientist.

    *Main works: He wrote several works: “The Sentinel”, “The end of the childhood” and “An odyssey of the space”.

    *EXTRA CREDIT: can you find any music about The Songs of Distant Earth? The disc is called “The song of Distant Earth” and it of Mike Oldfield.

  40. Jesús Bermudo García
    1º Bachillerato C

    The Songs of Distant Earth

    Let's start working on Arthur C. Clarke's book. Before reading the book, try to find the following information. Fill in the author's chart:

    Name: Sir Arthur Charles Clarke.

    Date of birth: 16 December 1917.

    Place of birth: Clarke was born in Minehead, Somerset (England).

    Date of death: 19 March 2008.


    He was a science fiction author

    He was an inventor.

    He was a futurist.

    He was co-writer of 2001: A Space Odyssey (one of their most famous novels), it was written in collaboration with director Stanley Kubrick, a collaboration which also produced the film of the same name.

    He was a host and commentator in the British television series Mysterious World.

    After secondary school and studying at Huish’s Grammar School, Taunton, he was unable to
    afford a university education and got a job as an auditor in the pensions section of the Board Education.

    Clarke served in the Royal Air Force as a radar instructor and technician from 1941-1946.

    Clarke became the chairman of The British Interplanetary Society from 1947-1950 and again in 1953.

    Later, he was an advocate of preserving the lowland gorilla.

    Main works:

    Childhood's End (1953)
    2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
    Rendezvous with Rama (1972)
    The Fountains of Paradise (1979)

  41. Virignia Valiente Rosa. 1º C

    Name:Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth:16 December 1917
    Place of birth: he was born in Minehead, Somerset, England.
    Date of death:19 March 2008
    Occupations:was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist,
    Main works:The Phantom of the opera, Sally´s
    Phone and Dracula.

  42. Sandra Ruiz Merchán 1ºBach.C
    1. What has the Tibet monastery been doing for three hundred years? the lamas of the tibet monastery have been making a list which contain all the possible names of God.
    2. What kind of alphabet do they use to write the names of God? they use an alphabet that they have invented. they can write all these names with not more than nine letters.
    3. With the help of the machine, how long will they take to accomplish their purpose? they will finish the list in a hundred days.
    4. What does Dr Wagner think of the Lama’s idea? Dr. Wagner thinks that the lamas has been patientily making a list of meaningless words.
    5. What was the real purpose of bringing electricity to the monastery? the real purpose of bringing electricity to the monastery is to have motors to drive the prayer wheels
    6. What was the high lama’s name? the high lama´s name is Sam
    7. According to the lama’s beliefs, what is the reason for Man’s existence? to find the 9 billions names of God.
    8. What do YOU think it happens at the end of the story? i think that at the end of the story, when the stars went out everything ends

    * Spanish:dios
    * German:gott
    * Italian:dio
    * French:dieu
    * Polish:bóg
    * Swedish: gud
    * Chinese:上帝

  43. Ana Perez Valencia.1ºBachillerato C.


    1. The Tibet monastery has been making a list wich will contain all the possible names of God.
    2. They use an alphahet that they have invented.
    3. They will finish the list in a hundred days.
    4. Dr.Wagner thinks that the Lamas has been patiently making the lists of meaningless words.
    5. To have motors to drive the prayer wheek.
    6. Sand.
    7. I think that at the end of the story the world finishes.
    8. GOD:
    Spanish: dios
    German : gott
    Italian: dio
    Franch: dieu
    Polish: bóg
    Swedish: gud
    Chinese: 上帝

  44. Maria Díaz Hervás 1ºBach.C
    Name:His name is Arthur Charles Clarke
    Date of birth:He was born on 16th of December in 1917
    Place of birth: He was born in Mainhead (England)
    Date of death: He died on 19th of March in 2008 in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
    Occupations: He was a writer and a britain scientist.
    Main works: "El centinela" and "Cita con Rama".

  45. María Martínez Fernández 1ºbachillerato C

    -Name:Arthur C.Clarke
    -Date of birth: 16th December 1917
    -Place of birth: Somerset (England)
    -Date of death: 19th March 2008, in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
    -Occupations: He was a scientist, he invented rockets,telescopes and wireless sets. He was a technical officer in the Royal Air Force. He worked for radio and television and as a lecturer, but he was famous as a science fiction writer.
    -Main works:
    "The Sentinel", "Transist of Earth", "The Nine Million Names of God", "Childhood's End", "Rendezvous with Rama", Imperial Earth" and "A Space Odyssey" (he co-authored the famous scream play film with Stanley Kubrick).
